(Update 2: I am 70% complete with this cartoon, hope to have it finished this weekend :D
(Update: I have found the VA's that I needed as of now, thank you all for your responses,auditions, and even more for all of the pm's that I recieved. Feel free to contact me in the future if you would like to see if there is a part available in one of the many toons that I will be posting in the future. hubyee.)
Hey guys, as you may or may not know my computer has been back up and running recently and I have been animating like crazy.
So I have been planning out a parody for a while and it's extremely original.
It's a Pokemon parody. More specifically a parody of Hans's Pi Video and also RicePirate's Pi Video.
I basically need a voice for the two trainers in the video, which I have cleverly named: "Trainer 1" and "Trainer 2".
Now, I don't want to spoil anything so the script can only be given to actual VA's who chose to take part.
I already have a complete script written so yeh.
I do as well have a scene of the cartoon already done if you would like a sample to see what you are getting into as well.
"You started a cartoon without vocals??? BAD BAD BAD"
Don't worry It is a scene in the cartoon where there are no vocals.
So if you are interested please comment and contact me via Pm here on NG.
Thanks and Cheers!
I'm interested